SUSTAINABLE CITIES City transport systems and industry can be vastly improved, as described on the Sustainable Industry and the Transport & Logistics pages, by automation and door to door services. This can be extended to civil infrastructure where there is now little construction and maintenance automation. While road and rail networks delivering materials for their own further development and maintenance there is little automation of these processes. EnGen Institute is designing fully-automated, transportation system construction which includes repair systems and integrated utilities. This system can extended to construct building foundations with utilities and services including Intenet communications. This ‘EcoHab’ system can provide automated closed-cycle recycling of all water and waste. It mates with Home Automation that allows remote control & communication of all household appliances - lighting, sound, heating HVAC, security etc and can monitor occupants weight & health. Sustainable Cities measure all their inputs and outputs to the externl world including to natural systems in their hinterland and are fully aware of their impact on nature. By increased recycling and urban farming the impact of cities on nature is reduced and cities can give land and water back to nature.
EnGen Institute 1992-2022
Biosphere City Modelling
City with PRT Transport System
Cities measure water, electricity and gas consumption for each premises. Why not measure all flows in and out - storm water, grey water, waste and flow rates? Then biosphere (nested cellular open/closed systems) modelling could be applied at city, suburb, street, building and apartment levels. This can be extended to include traffic and material flow data from Sustainable Transport & Sustainable Industry systems and public community services data on schools, hospitals, child care, etc.
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